DasSenate on kokonotokoro
Fun fact, New Zealand banned this. Look:

"This is a book of illustrations, some of which are sexually explicit and all of which involve naked or
partially naked characters who present as children or young persons. Its purpose is to sexually arouse
those with a interest in children and young persons and it encourages adults to regard them as
appropriate subjects for sexual fantasy. It therefore promotes and supports the exploitation of
children or young persons for sexual purposes in terms of s3(2)(a) of the Films, Videos, and
Publications Classification Act 1993 (FVPC Act) and is therefore deemed to be objectionable. While
the classification interferes with the right to freedom of expression as per the New Zealand Bill of
Rights Act 1990, it is consistent with Parliament’s intention that publications falling under s3(2)(a) of
the FVPC Act are deemed to be objectionable"

I don't agree with it, of course. Just putting it out there.

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