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Love the art and the story development. The only thing i hate is the unfinished ending. Tell us how it actually ended damn it. Not the left to our own imagination bullshit. We won't be coming for shit like this if we have good imagination wouldn't we? It's your job to finish telling us the story ffs.
>>1093145 @ TagShitProperly
I couldn't agree more. Good fap material. That's all about it. The author has a pretty fucked up mind. 🤣
It's a good ending. I hope the sister will forget about that little brother of hers. He is the one who set the boundary, you don't get to play the victim you piece of shit.
Are we mistaking who the MC is? That spineless shit is no MC material. Just a mob character.
NTR don't always go well irl. This is but a fantasy for people with weird fetish. A dream come true.

Btw, they keep saying strong male and stuff. That is also a fantasy. How can a strong so called male can't even make her get a divorce and marries her. Then go on to find other bitches too. Strong means they can do whatever they like without caring about consequences. Being able to take all the wrath from others. That is a fucking strong male. Not some pussies claiming to be strong.
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