It's a good story, but the dialog was almost as bad as the artwork. It was personally unfappable to me... :(
Junpei says, "Oh hell no... The sign on your ass says, 'Open for business,' where the sign on mine says, 'Exit only!'"
>>150723 @ Sigmarc
Got it. Didn't think about that. Thanks. :)
That sucked... literally
Phartsalot on
Bleh... booooooring. Somewhere in the middle the same thing was repeated so much that all I read was, "blah blah blah, yada yada yada." That's all it amounted to. The beginning was at least good.
God I wish I wasn't the ugly bastard, but I do wish that I was with a pretty young niece, and I don't mean just in a doujin....
I used to wonder how many people have contemplated murder or suicide just because they couldn't get any??? It is a surprisingly HUGE statistic. Well, that's why it's a known fact that sex does have amazing healing properties - at least unless there's an STD involved, then the thoughts of murder are increased ten fold...
Good art, good story, good dialog... 3 thumbs up, 5 stars, favorited...
Love that ending... lol
Full marks and favorited.
Loved it. I get tired of the same ole same ole. Finally, an artist gets it... Less dialog speaks volumes. I get tired of always seeing: "It's so big." "It's at my deepest place." "Fill me with your milk (or man juice)." "My pussy is going to break." "My dick is going to melt." "Your cock is filling my pussy." "Fill me with your big cock."

In over 50 years, I've NEVER heard ANY of that during sex - except only in terrible porn with terrible actors... You don't even hear it in ANY homemade or voyeur porn. I can't even imagine hearing any of that - I get sick to my stomach just trying to. If I did hear any of it, then I'd know for sure that they were faking. The reason porn stars do it is because they aren't enjoying it, and they have to do SOMETHING to make the sexually deprived believe they are.

I wish these artists would keep it real - like this one here. Full marks and favorited...
I wish I'd have been adopted by her...
Well, it looked good at the start, but too much talk (dialog) killed it.
Phartsalot on Gemini
Good little story. The only thing keeping me from making it a favorite and giving it full marks is the way it jumps around with no warning or explanation, making it confusing at times. Wound up losing meh stiffy, wondering, wtf? and losing concentration while trying to get it in order. I didn't really like that ending either. A little more detail would've clenched it.
I need a friend like her... ;)
So satisfying... That's what I call a proper mother...
Almost a good story, but the dialog totally sucks - nothing original. Artists seem to have no imagination as it is all copied from almost everything else out there (unfortunately only all of the crappiest stuff).
Why is there an Elder Sister tag? There is no elder sister in this at all. And the Straight Shota can be dropped, as that didn't happen since he got turned into a girl. Those tags would have only fit if the older brother had changed genders.

Very misleading and very disappointing.
>>110705 @ Anonymous
Meh, it's okay. My dad died back in 94 at the age of 48, and my mom died in 99 at the age of 49... I didn't know my dad at all, and my mom abandoned me when I was 8 yrs old, then again when I found her 6 months before she died, so no sweat off of my balls there either.
Yeah, I saw the anime version of this a few years ago and loved it. I loved this doujinshi version of it as well...
Yeah, I was thinking the mark was fake and would eventually rub off, but that was cool too. :)

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