This artist is all over the place. Some times he has some really good stories and some times his stories are pretty shitty then he has some that are eh what ever doesn't make sense kinda stories.
Loved it. Good story and good art.
The first 75 or so pages was kinda dark story but after that it started to be more nice not so bad story. So if you can make it past the first half of the story you'll like the rest also.
It was ok story but kinda sucked for a 33 page.
Anonymous99839 on Taboo
I didn't get the ending. Why was she crying?
They need to have a story like this but at the end the father busts threw the door and kick the dudes ass and cops is hauling him off to jail then he gets gay raped in jail cause they know what he's in there for lol. now that would be funny.
A bit confused about ending.
That first story i kinda understand him but rapping her like that is a no no. But it is her fault she started it and got him to fall for her and hooked him on her pussy then she backs off like nothing happened. Now thats BS.
Great art but the story sucked. I lost interest when he let his friend fuck her after that it seemed there was no feelings it was just sex and they didn't care who it was. The mom was just a slut.
I was just wondering bout hemorrhoids. Do they not worry bout them? I mean i have had hemorrhoids a few times in my life and i tell ya they no joke. That's why i couldn't be a fag other than i'm not attracted to dicks .
There is several stories in this some bad and some really bad but there are some good and some really good. So it is worth reading but you may have to skip some.
very nice story. I know it's nit picking but the only complaint i have is they were not virgins i just think if they had those feelings why did you go bang some other dude. JS.
I don't like the lesbian factor in this. So this gets a low rating from me.
This is dumb. They should have just made her the older sister and forget all that he was sick so his body was frozen in time so he was younger story. it's just dumb and a waste of pages.
Couldn't read it they make the guy sooo creepy.
A few tags missing. slut,gangbang and probably more if i continue to read but i don't like slut stories.
Not really incest cause it never shows them fucking or anything else for that matter it just shows them going into the room together and they go their seperate ways. She used him to get into a swingers party and thats it. This does not need a incest tag.

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