14 comments (0 hidden)

This is hentai overdose. I can't keep up with this
Surprisingly good story O_O...
If the main character wouldn´t be so whiny all the time.
The only way this could be better was if it was all part of his plan and he paid to have his father killed. The current story just leaves a bad taste in my mouth since all his women are his father's used goods.
I hate that his father used them before he did😒
The first 75 or so pages was kinda dark story but after that it started to be more nice not so bad story. So if you can make it past the first half of the story you'll like the rest also.
Huft, it feels good when his father is get died in traffic accident. :3
This was a marathon but I managed to have a good nut
This is long but nice
Instant classic
Bloody smile
nice, found it again
Once the women begin giving him more credit and not treating him like a sex toy, its just goes up...
The first half was kinda dark though.
I lv it. That's a one lucky son
Sweet home Alabama

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