22 comments (0 hidden)

Poor girl
Whoa dat ending
Nope, this is just fucked up.
I got some weird cognitive dissonance reading this

Wasn't expecting the cop who climbed the tree to be the messed up one, rips out her tougue piecing, drugs her up, and does the deeds

When they first shoplift the yankee girl thinks it's too much, the next time she wanted a little more? The change in character was jaring. I do like her internal stuggle between the guilt of crime and the needs of her and her family.

The last scene was a bit strange because she didn't seem to have any hate for her buddy leading up to that point. Perhaps it was some sort of confused burst of frustration after coming down from the high, or a side effect of the drug.

Overall, couldn't fap, but the characters had some little bit of depth, especially for this kind of work.
what's up with the girl in the end?
duh pen bundir
Did the cops just recite "wololo" or something when she climax?
>>11382 @ Awanama
ngewe aja sono
>>11382 @ Awanama
ngewe aja sono
I did have anything
Wkwkwk land
tobat kau nak
Bloody smile
This was funny! And as much as i dislike the bad cops i HATE the 2 bitches more because one aborted her kid and the other helped so...yeah...hope she dies miserably.😇
Bloody smile
The The end+smiley face got me good
>>11335 @ Anonymous
She flipped because her friend got high and screwed up being psycho while they were drivng past the cops if her friend played it cool and wasnt a fuck up they could of gotten away
Lvl. 398 Wizard
Not so many hentai doujins have great story like this REALLY 100X LOVE IT
I really2 love this original doujins.... its pretty rare to have a good story hentai doujins and i enjoyed it LOL
Really stylish manga. The faces especially are out of this world. Not only ahegao, though it’s quite good, but also not-hentai parts. The plot is not exactly original, but good enough to complement the lewds.

If you’re not against some violence in your fap material - I recommend this one to you.
>>12048 @ Bloody smile
Yea, it would have been MUCH better if they conceived and raised the child..... you fucking idiot.
good girl, bad friend... equals bad end...
even the path to hell is made of good intentions XD
>>12048 @ Bloody smile
I hope you go to jail and get raped you pos

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