12 comments (0 hidden)

Damn good
I would have cut their dicks off the second they were distracted. Then I would have kept them chained up in the basement so I could torture them for the next 10 years. No part of their body would go un-mutilated.
Or just call the cops and report a double rape.. because it's that fucking simple.
Then sue the company for millions of dollars and watch as the disgrace from the scandal costs them billions.
dudes a punk ass bitch ain't throw one punch, shit i woulda felt sorry for him if he swung and got his ass whooped, but he was just a bitch, more of a bitch then his wife for going along with it.
Burn it down
Daddy's Dick
Weak ....not the husband, the dose of NTR in this one is too weak ... If the husband can't know it then where is the agony... NTR is all about the pain and suffering ...
my boner went up and down on this one.
>>145741 @ Chaosmastermind
Nice dude Nice.. I would do that
the reader
this is sad but exciting
First off how fucking stupid does a person have to be to fall for that wine line at the start shows you how much of a beta bitch dick whipped pussy he is by his boss and job a total fucking coward. Then the pussy doesnt do shit just further radiates im a mega beta pussy punk bitch. Ppl like that disgust me and I just want to punch them in the face.

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