18 comments (0 hidden)

That was brutal LOL
This was a good NTR endeed
God this just made me feel like shit. Hah, nothing new
Hm, I kinda like the ones with an actual story, but I guess that's not what this is for.
It's sad but I don't feel sad
I'm getting to where I can't even fap to any of these any more. Everything is so cliche, it's all the same dialogue, and the dialogue totally sucks - so boring. I even went away for almost a year, hoping that something would've changed, but nope. Well, at least the artwork was good in this one, so that's a big positive. Like I've said many times, I've found the best ones have almost no dialogue. I know this comment with get a f-ton of downvotes, but I don't care... It's all meaningless. Well, goodbye all. I'm going to see if I can find some good literotica.
>>1066219 @ Phartsalot
you need a hobby, preferably color and music.
Bro wtf.... this was not for me
I hate once like this the boy will kill him self
Fucking hilarious loll
She was right not to have sex with him, but for the completely wrong reason lolol

Not because he is inferior, but because he’s your damned son lol
Daddy's Dick
Hana Hook needs to up his game... Same dialogue over and over... I read all of his works and all of them have same dialogue... Cmon man be more creative... But ngl when it comes to NTR nobody is better than Hana hook
>>1066295 @ Daddy's Dick
some artists just never manage to get past doing the exact same routine over and over again, Bigshine would be another example of this.
>>1066219 @ Phartsalot
Maybe don't judge the entire medium by just the first thing you see when coming back, and expecting it to above average, best of luck finding what you were looking for but don't get your hopes up if you're not prepared to go digging for the diamonds in the rough.....
>>1066303 @ Glovelove
Not the first thing, otherwise wouldn't have said what I said. I'm not a fool.
I think the moment you've seen everything there is to see, you just need to take a step further into degeneracy to unlock some new options in tags previously avoided. Its a long descent that is equally fascinating and terrifying to be part of.

Juggling around multiple mediums like alternating between doujins and animations or the like does help breathe in some variety, ERP is probably the one most customizable to delivering exactly what you want without having to do everything yourself but it also takes the most effort to keep going, you can only really get the cringy stuff out of it without making a good impression on the more serious 'players'.
Ntr is shit but man... Talk about cringe
wow!! Something new and different in NTR-- NOT

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