7 comments (0 hidden)

Awww man another arms and legs hater 😢😅🤣🤣🤣
>>1067899 @ GundamKira
Not gonna lie I think this artist is going down the Shindol, and Hal path. Art is good, but the maiming killed it.
>>1067949 @ BronzeRobot
They didn't go down anywhere, they started at the bottom when it comes to that stuff.
>>1067968 @ Glovelove
A shame when good art gets wasted on that stuff.
>>1068142 @ BronzeRobot
I think everyone has diffrent tastes and calling it a waste when people with diffrent tastes gets a good artist is just pretty rude tbh.
Imagine being enough of a degenerate to critique hentai.
Just jerk off to it or dont you morons.
shame what a waste

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