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This has classic written all over it. Btw, all pages will be dedicated to the single story.
>>1072730 @ Anonysis
Is there a tag for that? I honestly want to specifically search for long hentais that focus on one story with arcs
>>1072730 @ Anonysis
Its not that old, but having the feel is justified.
The origin story seems to be a kind of Light novel(s) the author wrote way before.
To be specific the one of the top-right cover picture in the characters bios page.
The other 3 are apparently side/dual-stories set in the same universe but with different MCs (some related to this MC) and girls for their harems (some do cameos by the way, as you might have realized). 🤔
>>1072758 @ Anonymous
Story Arc

Name was pretty straightforward but can understand why you missed it as tagging on galleries that long tend to be TL;DR (even more so for users with an account as blacklisted/favorite tags are colored to easily stand out from the rest, meaning there's less reason to read the rest)

If you're curious to see if something has a tag, or if there's undiscovered tags you'd love to find out about you can check the categorised tag list I pinned on forum.
>>1072769 @ GundamKira
And man that art style invokes some sleeper agent 2000s VN shit in me.
>>1072758 @ Anonymous
Tag you're looking for is "story arc" and dont forget to set the page limit past 100. Tankoubans can also feature long stories as well.
>>1072792 @ Anonysis
yeah telling the continuous story tanks apart from the "oneshot piles" is half of the purpose the tag has lol.
a nice harem story with excellent companions (not only are they hot but they kick ass too!)My only complaint are the weird names, clammish and calcid...seriously?
Well, technicaly its not a harem if the man marries with 4 or less women.......

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