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Another artist obsessed with ruining Shimakaze by giving her a penis.
Honestly, there are like 50 doujins where Shimakaze has a penis for every one where she’s actually a goddamn girl. Why must every fucking artist do this?! Why is everybody obsessed with giving Shimakaze a penis?!
>>1073734 @ LostSoul98
Because traps are awesome
>>1073741 @ Anonymous
I’m not denying that traps can be great, but Shimakaze should not be a trap. If it was clearly a cosplayer then fine, but actually making Shimakaze a boy is just annoying because it happens so damn often. I play KC a lot, and this stuff is making me reconsider having Shimakaze as my secretary ship since people will say it makes me gay...
>>1073747 @ LostSoul98
Is your heterosexuality that fragile? lmao
>>1073756 @ Nerex
Not really. It just is aggravating that so few artists keep Shimakaze as a goddamn girl like she should be...
>>1075707 @ LostSoul98
about 75% of them keep her a girl and the trend of genderbending her literally started because a lot of people agreed she looked more like a trap in the official in game art.

I just fucking love her outfit so I'm inclined to upload both sides.

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