4 comments (0 hidden)

as a guy who was raised to think masturbation and sex before married was a sin yep, this hits too close to home, I feel bad for both of them as it's not healthy to undergo no self-pleasure. I can also understand and feel bad for the male character in this seeing how even after I masturbation feel like a god or someone is going to punish me but just know that it will never happen.
Both of the extremes are bad
>>1096250 @ Anonymous11846
Well I guess it all depends on your personal beliefs I suppose. Kinda wish I was more like that tbh I got too hooked on self pleasure and have made alot of dumb choices as a result. Still kinda stuck in that rut too with all the coomer shit I do lol
Edit: I do feel like they do go way too extreme here with the whip n stuff but I kinda wish I could go back to a time where sex wasn't a big thing in my life. It feels suffocating not even caring about all the time I spend jerking off or hooking up with people I meet on the fly
Good 👌

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