I'm kind of surprised this kind of Manga is at this site, it is an outstanding story. On a scale of 0 to 5 stars I give it 7 stars.
Great artwork but damn the story is depressing. It probably doesn't belong on this site. If it were on a history site I would rate this very high because everything in it seems pretty accurate. "Yes this is real history not that I know if the people are real."
Started out kinda goofy but got better.
Another good one, I hope someone could load the missing chapters.
Damn her father is a real asshole.
This chapter was pretty good it makes me even more disappointed that the first chapter is missing those 9 pages.
It might be a good story if it weren't missing 9 pages in the middle. Kinda sucks the way it is.
Seriously bad...
No plot, but the sex slime was an imaginative idea.
Interesting story line, unfortunately it was hart to follow.
Forget the daughter her mother needs and appreciates you kid.
So ridiculous I couldn't even rate it. Others might still enjoy it.
Plausible but not likely. Nice little story and progression.
Very weird yet a good story. I found it to be very sad though.
Sweet and sad at the same time.
Much better than I was expecting.
Not a bad story and the infantilism was fun, but don't they have security cameras in Japan? "Rhetorical question." There would definitely be a camera in the lobby.I wonder what the security guard was doing during this as well as the cleaning staff. Fapping I guess.
Ha, a friend of mine told me about having sex with his girl friend when she had the flu and he said it was the best because her pussy was so hot because she had a fever. The surprising thing was he didn't even catch the flu from her.
I really couldn't keep reading but the artwork was really good if you have a scat fetish.

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