Vanilla really is art. Very glad to see a histoty where the fatty isn't an hypnotist rappist! Getting together by sheer normality, ust by bonding, very cute indeed, a worthwhile reading
This was too wholesome, satisfying and we need a part 2 where she finally accepts being his girlfriend!
10\10! The art's good, their relationship is "believable", the beginning is hella funny, and the ending... We need more wholesome reads like this one
Very good read. Story was simple but very sweet, the art is just gorgeous and pannels like page 6, 9, 19 and 25 are just gorgeous. A very worth read, and a very worth fap
Yeah, Vanilla seems to be the actual real deal of hentai. Simple but effective story, nothing greater than seeing two people who like each other enjoying themselves for real
We need a sequel where the girl who came back becomes a part of the fun
We need a wholesome sequel for this one! Great art, good route, very vanilla but also very lewd. Everything perfectly balanced
More wholesome than I was expecting it to be, truly, really cute
Even if the art wasn't great, the wholesomeness of the story would have made it up! 10\10
The translation was so bad I might edit the images myself and re-upload it here so people don't have to suffer like I did
One of the best combinations of wholesome and twisted, only made better by the soft artstyle
That's definetly not how I remembered Jotaro and Dio time stop overlap was...
For the kinda of hentai it is, it was surpisingly wholesome and sweet
I'm now sad disappointed we don't have the prequel where we see the little brother impregnating her
I'm not exactly a furry, but more hentai like this could make me one
A very wholesome ending, for a rather dark history. Just quality stuff right here

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